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Non-Human centered design method

We teach this method at:

HKU design Utrecht

KISD design Cologne

Sustanaible design school Nice


We offer our Non-Human Centered Design method to design schools. Here is what makes our method succesfull:

We change perspective

Research shows that asking questions will give a different outcome then observing behaviour. Observing behaviour can be done with humans, plants and animals. By changing your design perspective to a non-human you learn to do research into someone/thing else's needs. Having done this for an animal or plant changes your design approach in designing for humans as well.


We fuel creativity and innovation

As designers we often look for problems to solve. We keep focussing on the problems that present themselves in our lives, but everything around us has been thought true very thorough . Now imagine to let a designer see the problems a penguin has. This designer will probably be the first to work for the penguin so there are an endless amount of problems that no one has ever thought of. Because of this original ideas are easy to produce and are sure to inspire innovation for humans as well. 

We design where markets and laws fail

Sometimes innovation is needed when politics do not work to solve the problem. As we don't design from a market (human) perspective our work often fills these blancs. If it is not beneficiary, for the market to keep trees in the ground, then innovation is bound to not taking action. We offer innovation that orients its goals to the needs of its subjects, its market value is interesting but not our primary focus.

We show the impact reach

of a product

After this course students always conclude that their designs influence human beings, although they weren't their target audience. Therefor they first handedly discover the impact range of a product. Which means that  whatever you design, other beings outside of your target audience will always be effected by what you make. That is why our method is called non-human centered design and not non-human design. 

We do interdisciplinairy


We teach students to behave as Journalist, engineer, biologist and designer in one. Together with proffesionals from these and more fields the students learn their proffesional working methods and how to gain knowledge with a scientific standard. This helps to bring the level of the designs to a high standard. 

Contact us:

Kelvin Godee


Simon Wijrdeman

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